Thanks to everyone who attended my Virtual Seminar “Designing effective surveys” on 28th February 2012.
If you missed it, you can:
- purchase the recording from User Interface Engineering
- view the slides on SlideShare (or at the end of this post)
Resources that I mention in the seminar
I started by talking about a survey as a process:
- Post with my survey process: How to do a survey in six steps
- Slides that describe the process: Surveys in practice and theory
Books that I mentioned:
- Dillman, Smyth and Christian (2008) “Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method”, my Survey book of the Month, January 2011
- Krosnick, J. A. and S. Presser (2009). “Question and Questionnaire Design”, chapter in “Handbook of Survey Research” (2nd Edition) J. D. Wright and P. V. Marsden, Elsevier. The chapter is available online: Question and Questionnaire Design (.pdf)
- Reiss, E. (2000) “Practical Information Architecture:A Hands-On Approach to Structuring Successful Web Sites”. claims that it’s out of print now, but it seems to be easily available second-hand for the cost of the postage. Obviously the examples are out of date, but if you can get beyond that then there is plenty in it that is still relevant today. Eric often talks about the concept of ‘shared reference’, for example in his talk “Content Strategists” (SlideShare)
Other resources:
- Stanford guidelines on web credibility
- Tips and tools for plain langauge, from
- My slides on how to do buttons and labels on forms
- Perceptual Edge (Stephen Few) has a graph design IQ test
- Case study by Cole Nussbaumer of how to improve an Excel graph so that it communicates a clear message: Storytelling with data
- Stan Sthanunathan, VP of Marketing Strategy and Insights at Coca-Cola, talks to Research Magazine on ‘Why quality doesn’t matter’
- Learning the languages of other disciplines to make our reports have more impact: “Who are you talking to?”
- My article on UXmatters: “How to get yourself started in statistics”
- Emily Geisen and I teach a workshop that explains how to run a usability test of questionnaire. The slides are here: “Introduction to usability testing for survey research”
Slides for “Designing Effective Surveys” virtual seminar
Design tips for surveys UIE 2012
View more presentations from Caroline Jarrett
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